Central Govt. has launched a very beneficial scheme for Cold storage projects, under which any investor who is planning to set up a ‘new cold storage unit or expansion of current unit’ is eligible under this scheme for a grant in aid. A maximum of Rs. 10 Crores can be availed as the subsidy under this scheme. The pattern of assistance will be as follows:
(A) For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Precooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided.
(B) For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, will be provided.
(C) For irradiation facilities, grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas.
Cold Storages is essential for extending the shelf life, period of marketing, avoiding glut, post-harvest losses reducing transport bottlenecks during peak period of production and maintenance of quality of produce. It is, therefore, necessary that cold storages are to be constructed in major producing as well as consuming centres.
Cold storage is a one-time business investment business, wherein the initial investment required is on higher side. However, the returns are higher and are on long-term basis, as compared to other small businesses. Cold storage facility is categorized in two types, the first is used for single products and the other is for multiple products. Food items that require cold storage include fruits and vegetables, poultry and fish products, meat produce, and products like tobacco and beer.
Capital Investment subsidy scheme for construction/expansion/ modernization of cold storage and storages for Horticulture Produce.
The Subsidy would flow from NHB and operated by NABARD, through commercial/cooperative banks/RRBs/ ADFCs/SCARDBs and by NCDC where cooperatives seek loan from NCDC;
Project Reports – Business Plan – Consultant-Plant & Machinery
Contact – 9828042461, linesinternational@gmail.com
Central Govt. has launched a very beneficial scheme for Cold storage projects, under which any investor who is planning to set up a ‘new cold storage unit or expansion of current unit’ is eligible under this scheme for a grant in aid. A maximum of Rs. 10 Crores can be availed as the subsidy under this scheme. The pattern of assistance will be as follows:
(A) For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Precooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided.
(B) For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, will be provided.
(C) For irradiation facilities, grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @75% for the North East States, the Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas.
Cold Storages is essential for extending the shelf life, period of marketing, avoiding glut, post-harvest losses reducing transport bottlenecks during peak period of production and maintenance of quality of produce. It is, therefore, necessary that cold storages are to be constructed in major producing as well as consuming centres.
Cold storage is a one-time business investment business, wherein the initial investment required is on higher side. However, the returns are higher and are on long-term basis, as compared to other small businesses. Cold storage facility is categorized in two types, the first is used for single products and the other is for multiple products. Food items that require cold storage include fruits and vegetables, poultry and fish products, meat produce, and products like tobacco and beer.
Capital Investment subsidy scheme for construction/expansion/ modernization of cold storage and storages for Horticulture Produce.
The Subsidy would flow from NHB and operated by NABARD, through commercial/cooperative banks/RRBs/ ADFCs/SCARDBs and by NCDC where cooperatives seek loan from NCDC;
Project Reports – Business Plan – Consultant-Plant & Machinery
Contact – 9828042461, linesinternational@gmail.com
कोल्ड स्टोरेज:
अगर आप कोई ऐसा बिजनेस शुरू करना चाहते हैं, जिसमें रिस्क भी कम हो और सरकार का भी सपोर्ट मिले तो कोल्ड स्टोरेज का बिजनेस शुरू कर सकते हैं। इस बिजनेस को सरकार 50 फीसदी तक की सब्सिडी देती है, जो अधिकतम 10 करोड़ रुपए तक होती है।इस बिजनेस में काफी संभावनाएं हैं। सरकार की ही एक रिपोर्ट बताती है कि देश भर में 6.1 करोड़ टन कोल्ड स्टोरेज कैपेस्टिी की डिमांड है, जबकि अभी तक केवल 2.9 करोड़ टन की कैपेसिटी डेवलप हो पाई है। सरकार भी चाहती है कि देश में कोल्ड स्टोरेज की कैपेसिटी तेजी से बढ़े, इसलिए सरकार छोट से छोटे प्रोजेक्ट को प्रमोट कर रही है।
मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ फूड प्रोसेसिंग के मुताबिक सामान्य इलाकों में फूड प्रोसेसिंग प्रोजेक्ट लगाने पर प्लांट एंड मशीनरी और टैक्निकल सिविल वर्क पर खर्च कुल रकम का 50 फीसदी सरकार द्वारा सब्सिडी दी जाती है, जबकि हिमाचल प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड, जम्मू कश्मीर, सिक्किम सहित नॉर्थ ईस्ट रीजन के इलाके में आप ऐसा प्लांट लगाते हैं तो आपको सरकार 75 फीसदी ग्रांट देती है। सरकार अधिकतम 10 करोड़ रुपए तक की ग्रांट देती है। जिसका मतलब है कि आप 20 करोड़ रुपए तक का प्रोजेक्ट शुरू कर सकते हैं।
आप इसके लिए नेशनल कॉओपरेटिव डेवलपमेंट कॉरपोरेशन से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। आप कॉरपोरेशन की वेबसाइट से लोन एप्लीकेशन या इस लिंक से <a href='http://www.ncdc.in/downloads/CLF-Processing.pdf'>http://www.ncdc.in/downloads/CLF-Processing.pdf</a> डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। आप नेशनल हॉर्टिकल्चर बोर्ड से भी संपर्क कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा टैक्निकल और मार्केटिंग की ट्रेनिंग भी देती है। आप स्कीम के बारे में और अधिक जानने के लिए इस लिंक पर भी क्लिक कर सकते हैं - <a href='http://mofpi.nic.in/Schemes/cold-chain'>http://mofpi.nic.in/Schemes/cold-chain