Export Import Bank of India - Regsitered
"Lines International" pleased to annouce that it has been empanelled in the renowned "Exim Bank of India" as the consultant under Industrial Segment for preparation of Detailed Project Reports and Evaluation Project Reports. As we amay aware that Export Import bank of India poplar known as Exim Bank is a prestigious organisation has been worked as a catalyst and a key player in the promotion of cross border trade and investment. It is financing, facilitating and promoting India's foreign trade.
It provides financial assistance to exporters and importers, and ... functioning as the principal financial institution for coordinating the working of institutions engaged in financing export and import of goods and services with a view to promoting the country's international trade.
Exim Bank's Vision has evolved from a product-centric approach with Export Credits and Export Capability Creation, to a more customer-centric approach by offering a comprehensive range of products and services to empower businesses at all stages of a company's business cycle. Today, we develop commercially viable relationships with a target set of externally oriented companies through a comprehensive range of products and services, aimed at enhancing their internationalisation efforts. Going ahead, we aspire to utilise our leadership and expertise in Export Finance to make a lasting difference to Indian companies with global aspirations. The Bank's Mission is to facilitate globalisation of Indian Business.
Exim Bank of India represents a rare case of an institution where the concept and need for such an institution had been debated for a long period-more than two decades – before it was finally set up in 1982. The two decades prior to the establishment of Exim Bank witnessed significant changes in the industrial and the trade scenario. Indian exports during the fifties and the early sixties consisted of primary commodities and traditional manufactures like jute and cotton textiles. The dominant viewpoint was that in India’s case, expansion in domestic demand alone could realistically serve as the engine for economic growth, since export expansion opportunities were limited and there were fundamental constraints (like inadequate infrastructure) to export growth. The ideology relating to the manufacturing sector was to promote industrialization through import substitution. As a result, the export sector remained neglected with a small share in India’s GDP.
Today with rich pedigree, Exim Bank serve as a growth engine for Indian Businesses range of products and services. This includes import of technology and export product development, export production, export marketing, pre-shipment and post-shipment and overseas investment. In a rapidly shifting financial landscape, we are a catalyst and key player in the promotion of cross border trade and investment.
Source : www.eximbankindia.in